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What are the operation points of nitrogen generator?

Operation points of nitrogen generator:

1. Adjust the nitrogen generating valve after the flowmeter according to the gas pressure and gas consumption, and do not increase the flow at will to ensure the normal operation of the equipment.

2. The opening of nitrogen gas production valve should not be too large to ensure the best purity.

3. The flowmeter of nitrogen analyzer should be adjusted to the specified scale.

4. The valve adjusted by the commissioning personnel should not rotate at will, so as not to affect the purity.

5. Do not move the electrical parts in the control cabinet at will, and do not remove the pneumatic pipeline valve at will.

6. The operator should check the pressure gauge on the nitrogen generator on time and make a daily record of the pressure change for equipment failure analysis.

7. Timely investigate the nitrogen outlet pressure, flowmeter indication and purity, and compare with the required value. If any problem is found, it shall be solved in time.

8. It is necessary to carry out maintenance and protection at least once a year according to the technical requirements of air compressor, cold dryer and filter, so as to ensure the air quality (the air source must be dry, clean and oil-free).

9. During the operation of nitrogen production equipment, the carbon molecular sieve will be worn to a certain extent, which should be checked and filled in time every year.

10. Complete the daily record form.

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