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What are the requirements for the installation site of oxygen making equipment?

Oxygen production equipment is widely used in metallurgy, environmental protection, chemical industry, medical and other industries. What are the requirements when selecting the installation site for oxygen production equipment?

Generally speaking, all equipment in the oxygen generation system need no foundation, and the indoor flat and clean floor can be used. However, for larger specifications of air compressor, compressed air drying equipment, if the equipment has basic requirements, it needs to do the foundation. At the same time, for the convenience of equipment maintenance and cleaning, it is better to make a flat table 10 cm higher than the ground on the ground of air compressor, drying equipment, oxygen generator and oxygen booster.

The equipment layout sequence in the oxygen generation system is connected and arranged according to the sequence of oxygen production process. Before signing the contract, the user shall provide the dimensional drawing or field map of the equipment installation plant and the location of the air inlet and finished oxygen outlet. Our company will provide the user with a complete set of equipment layout and connection diagram of the oxygen generation system according to the actual site of the user within ten weeks after the signing of the equipment contract.

Generally speaking, the equipment is arranged along the plant wall. Air compressors and cold dryers should be placed on the upper draught or well ventilated areas. If there is no air storage tank after the air compressor, the distance between the air compressor and the cold dryer should be as large as possible. The length of the pipeline between the two should be as long as possible, so as to reduce the compressed air temperature through the atmospheric environment. The distance between equipment shall be at least 1 m, and the distance between equipment and wall shall be more than 0.8 m at least. The operation surface of equipment shall face the direction convenient for personnel to operate, maintain and repair the equipment.

The pipeline connection between equipment shall be determined according to the actual situation after all equipment are in place.

Eastern Kaifeng Industrial Zone, Kaifeng, Henan, P.R. China
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