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What should be paid attention to when using nitrogen generator?

Precautions for use of nitrogen generator:

1. According to the gas pressure and gas consumption, adjust the pressure regulator valve and the nitrogen valve after the flow meter. Do not increase the flow at will to ensure the normal operation of the equipment.

2. The opening of inlet valve and nitrogen making valve should not be too large to ensure the best purity.

3. The valve adjusted by the commissioning personnel shall not rotate at will, so as not to affect the purity.

4. Do not dismantle the valve in the electrical cabinet at will.

5. The operator should regularly check the four pressure gauges on the machine and record the pressure changes daily for equipment failure analysis.

6. Regularly observe the outlet pressure, flowmeter indication and nitrogen purity, and compare with the value on the performance page, and solve the problems found in time.

7. According to the technical requirements of air compressor, air dryer and filter, ensure the air quality. The air compressor and cold dryer shall be overhauled at least once a year, and the vulnerable parts shall be replaced and maintained according to the equipment maintenance regulations; if the pressure difference before and after the filter is found to be greater than or equal to 0.05 ~ 0.1MPa, the filter element must be replaced in time.

8. Fill in the daily record form.

Eastern Kaifeng Industrial Zone, Kaifeng, Henan, P.R. China
International Marketing : Mr. Zhang



Domestic Marketing: Ms. Yuan
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